Title: ~COPY AND PASTE~ | |
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DirtyDancer1957 | |||||||
Date Posted:03/07/2020 5:49 PMCopy HTML Just click on the right side of your mouse or press CTRL and v at the same time and copy and paste what you posted last. |
Rockymz | Share to: #61 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:24/07/2024 8:12 AMCopy HTML |
DirtyDancer1957 | Share to: #62 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:24/07/2024 12:44 AMCopy HTML 6584 |
Rockymz | Share to: #63 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:23/07/2024 7:22 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #64 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:14/07/2024 7:55 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #65 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:12/07/2024 8:29 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #66 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:10/07/2024 9:14 AMCopy HTML Image Credit & Copyright: Andy Ermolli Explanation: These three bright nebulae are often featured on telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius and the crowded starfields of the central Milky Way. In fact, 18th century cosmic tourist Charles Messier cataloged two of them; M8, the large nebula above center, and colorful M20 below and left in the frame. The third emission region includes NGC 6559, right of M8 and separated from the larger nebula by a dark dust lane. All three are stellar nurseries about five thousand light-years or so distant. Over a hundred light-years across the expansive M8 is also known as the Lagoon Nebula. M20's popular moniker is the Trifid. Glowing hydrogen gas creates the dominant red color of the emission nebulae. But for striking contrast, blue hues in the Trifid are due to dust reflected starlight. The broad interstellar skyscape spans almost 4 degrees or 8 full moons on the sky. |
DirtyDancer1957 | Share to: #67 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:09/07/2024 10:25 PMCopy HTML
Rockymz | Share to: #68 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:07/07/2024 7:38 AMCopy HTML Image Credit: Goran Strand Explanation: Why are these clouds multi-colored? A relatively rare phenomenon in clouds known as iridescence can bring up unusual colors vividly -- or even a whole spectrum of colors simultaneously. These polar stratospheric clouds also, known as nacreous and mother-of-pearl clouds, are formed of small water droplets of nearly uniform size. When the Sun is in the right position and, typically, hidden from direct view, these thin clouds can be seen significantly diffracting sunlight in a nearly coherent manner, with different colors being deflected by different amounts. Therefore, different colors will come to the observer from slightly different directions. Many clouds start with uniform regions that could show iridescence but quickly become too thick, too mixed, or too angularly far from the Sun to exhibit striking colors. The featured image and an accompanying video were taken late in 2019 over Ostersund, Sweden. |
mis_caz | Share to: #69 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:05/07/2024 11:03 AMCopy HTML Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx
Rockymz | Share to: #70 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:05/07/2024 7:50 AMCopy HTML Image Credit & Copyright: Gianni Tumino Explanation: A glow from the summit of Mount Etna, famous active stratovolcano of planet Earth, stands out along the horizon in this mountain and night skyscape. Bands of diffuse light from congeries of innumerable stars along the Milky Way galaxy stretch across the sky above. In silhouette, the Milky Way's massive dust clouds are clumped along the galactic plane. But also familiar to northern skygazers are bright stars Deneb, Vega, and Altair, the Summer Triangle straddling dark nebulae and luminous star clouds poised over the volcanic peak. The deep combined exposures also reveal the light of active star forming regions along the Milky Way, echoing Etna's ruddy hue in the northern hemisphere summer's night. |
Rockymz | Share to: #71 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:03/07/2024 7:39 AMCopy HTML Image Credit & Copyright: Michael Sidonio Explanation: Big, bright, and beautiful, spiral galaxy M83 lies a mere twelve million light-years away, near the southeastern tip of the very long constellation Hydra. About 40,000 light-years across, M83 is known as the Southern Pinwheel for its pronounced spiral arms. But the wealth of reddish star forming regions found near the edges of the arms' thick dust lanes, also suggest another popular moniker for M83, the Thousand-Ruby Galaxy. This new deep telescopic digital image also records the bright galaxy's faint, extended halo. Arcing toward the bottom of the cosmic frame lies a stellar tidal stream, debris drawn from massive M83 by the gravitational disruption of a smaller, merging satellite galaxy. Astronomers David Malin and Brian Hadley found the elusive star stream in the mid 1990s by enhancing photographic plates. |
DirtyDancer1957 | Share to: #72 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:03/07/2024 12:31 AMCopy HTML Countdown to ChristmasCan't Wait?How long 'til Christmas?
...But who's counting?Christmas 'round the World (Wide Web) |
Rockymz | Share to: #73 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:29/06/2024 9:19 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #74 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:28/06/2024 8:36 AMCopy HTML |
mis_caz | Share to: #75 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:27/06/2024 12:29 PMCopy HTML
Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx
DirtyDancer1957 | Share to: #76 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:25/06/2024 10:50 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #77 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:20/06/2024 11:58 AMCopy HTML Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace Explanation: Last April's Full Moon shines through high clouds near the horizon, casting shadows in this garden-at-night skyscape. Along with canine sentinel Sandy watching the garden gate, the wide-angle snapshot also captured the bright Moon's 22 degree ice halo. But June's bright Full Moon will cast shadows too. This month, the Moon's exact full phase occurs at 01:08 UTC June 22. That's a mere 28 hours or so after today's June solstice (at 20:51 UTC June 20), the moment when the Sun reaches its maximum northern declination. Known to some as a Strawberry Moon, June's Full Moon is at its southernmost declination, and of course will create its own 22 degree halos in hazy night skies. |
Rockymz | Share to: #78 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:17/06/2024 7:45 AMCopy HTML Where ever you are and what ever you are doing be happy and be safe. Yeghes Da |
mis_caz | Share to: #79 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:09/06/2024 11:00 AMCopy HTML Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx
DirtyDancer1957 | Share to: #80 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:30/05/2024 10:15 PMCopy HTML --------Copy This Line Too-------- Clare...29 Megan - 31 Bob... 29 Rocky... 84 Sue ~37 mis_caz ~ 73 --------Copy This Line Too-------- |
mis_caz | Share to: #81 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:27/05/2024 10:23 AMCopy HTML Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx
mis_caz | Share to: #82 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:26/05/2024 12:35 PMCopy HTML --------Copy This Line Too-------- Clare...25 Megan - 27 Bob... 22 Rocky... 74 Sue ~36 mis_caz ~ 60 --------Copy This Line Too-------- Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx
Rockymz | Share to: #83 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:26/05/2024 7:50 AMCopy HTML Image Credit: NASA's GSFC, SDO AIA Team Explanation: What's happened to our Sun? Nothing very unusual -- it just threw a filament. Toward the middle of 2012, a long standing solar filament suddenly erupted into space, producing an energetic coronal mass ejection (CME). The filament had been held up for days by the Sun's ever changing magnetic field and the timing of the eruption was unexpected. Watched closely by the Sun-orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory, the resulting explosion shot electrons and ions into the Solar System, some of which arrived at Earth three days later and impacted Earth's magnetosphere, causing visible auroras. Loops of plasma surrounding the active region can be seen above the erupting filament in the featured ultraviolet image. Our Sun is nearing the most active time in its 11-year cycle, creating many coronal holes that allow for the ejection of charged particles into space. As before, these charged particles can create auroras. |
Rockymz | Share to: #84 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:26/05/2024 7:34 AMCopy HTML |
DirtyDancer1957 | Share to: #85 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:25/05/2024 10:35 PMCopy HTML 6578 |
Rockymz | Share to: #86 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:18/05/2024 7:27 AMCopy HTML Image Credit & Copyright: Chirag Upreti Explanation: Graceful star trail arcs reflect planet Earth's daily rotation in this colorful night skyscape. To create the timelapse composite, on May 12 consecutive exposures were recorded with a camera fixed to a tripod on the shores of the Ashokan Reservoir, in the Catskills region of New York, USA. North star Polaris is near the center of the star trail arcs. The broad trail of a waxing crescent Moon is on the left, casting a strong reflection across the reservoir waters. With intense solar activity driving recent geomagnetic storms, the colorful aurora borealis or northern lights, rare to the region, shine under Polaris and the north celestial pole. |
Rockymz | Share to: #87 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:14/05/2024 10:01 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #88 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:26/04/2024 8:39 AMCopy HTML
mis_caz | Share to: #89 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:24/04/2024 9:47 AMCopy HTML You just played the April 24, 2024 daily. A red ribbon game! Secret Word 7 letters Rows 4 Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx
mis_caz | Share to: #90 | ||||||
Re:~COPY AND PASTE~ Date Posted:23/04/2024 5:52 PMCopy HTML Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx