Title: Strange Facts | |
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Rockymz | |
Date Posted:26/07/2017 7:28 PMCopy HTML Vermont women must get permission from their husbands before getting false teeth |
Rockymz | Share to: #151 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:28/08/2022 8:50 AMCopy HTML The human womb is the oxygen equivalent of the top of Mount Everest, designed to keep the fetus asleep 95% of the time. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #152 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:25/08/2022 10:07 AMCopy HTML In 2015, a Chinese woman who was missing for a decade and presumed dead was found living in an internet cafe playing games for 10-years. |
Rockymz | Share to: #153 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:23/08/2022 9:24 AMCopy HTML New York’s Washington Square Park used to be a graveyard, and it is believed over 20,000 there are still buried there. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #154 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:21/08/2022 10:40 AMCopy HTML The USA has a law that allows citizens to occupy any unclaimed island in the world, as long as there is seabird or bat poop on it. |
Rockymz | Share to: #155 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:20/08/2022 11:27 AMCopy HTML There’s a subway ticket machine in Moscow that accepts 30 squats as payment. Installed ahead of the 2014 Sochi Olympics to “bring sports to the people” |
Rockymz | Share to: #156 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:19/08/2022 9:11 AMCopy HTML In 2008, a 480-pound Florida woman died after having spent the last 6 years of her life stuck in a couch and died attached to the couch as well. By the time of her death, her skin had literally become one with the fabric of the sofa. |
Rockymz | Share to: #157 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:16/08/2022 9:12 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #158 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:15/08/2022 9:05 AMCopy HTML Camels were brought to Canada in 1862 to haul gold. The disastrous experiment ended in only one year after the camels terrorized horses and ate miners’ clothes and soap. |
Rockymz | Share to: #159 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:14/08/2022 8:45 AMCopy HTML Pencils have been painted yellow ever since the 1890s. The world’s best pencil graphite came from China. In China, the color yellow is associated with royalty, so American pencil manufacturers started painting their pencils yellow to indicate they contained high-quality Chinese graphite. |
Rockymz | Share to: #160 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:06/08/2022 9:09 AMCopy HTML King George VI was appalled when the South African government instructed him to only shake hands with white people while on his visit there in 1947. He referred to his South African bodyguards as “the Gestapo”. |
Rockymz | Share to: #161 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:05/08/2022 8:53 AMCopy HTML For nearly 50 years the Catholic church of Spain stole nearly 300000 newborn babies from families and sold them to Catholic families for adoption. Telling their bio parents the kids died shortly after childbirth. |
Rockymz | Share to: #162 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:31/07/2022 10:35 AMCopy HTML Mt. Massive and Mt. Elbert in Colorado are so close to each other in height that their supporters started competing with each other, with Mt. Massive supporters piling stones on the summit to increase its height, and Mt. Elbert supporters climbing the mountain to knock them back down. |
Rockymz | Share to: #163 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:29/07/2022 9:35 AMCopy HTML The coffee taster for Costa coffee has his tongue insured for £10m |
Rockymz | Share to: #164 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:28/07/2022 8:59 AMCopy HTML A woman (Joyce Carol Vincent) was found dead on the couch of her London apartment in 2011, about 3 years after her death. The TV was still running and a mountain of mail had piled up behind the front door. |
Rockymz | Share to: #165 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:26/07/2022 9:00 AMCopy HTML Buzz Aldrin’s mother’s maiden name was Moon. |
Rockymz | Share to: #166 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:22/07/2022 9:39 AMCopy HTML After the opening of the New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a rumor came about that the Bridge was unstable and was going to collapse. To prove it was safe, P.T. Barnum led 21 elephants across it on May 17, 1884. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #167 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:20/07/2022 8:24 AMCopy HTML Nikita Khrushchev’s speech denouncing Stalin was so shocking that it caused heart attacks for some in the audience. |
Rockymz | Share to: #168 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:18/07/2022 8:40 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #169 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:17/07/2022 9:47 AMCopy HTML The Dalai Lama is a self-proclaimed Marxist communist. |
Rockymz | Share to: #170 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:15/07/2022 7:18 AMCopy HTML Although English is considered a Germanic language, 60% of the vocabulary is of Latin or French origin. |
Rockymz | Share to: #171 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:12/07/2022 9:18 AMCopy HTML Dalai Lama owns the smallest vineyard in the world, which is located in Switzerland. It consists of only three vines and has an area of 1.67 meters squared. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #172 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:11/07/2022 9:02 AMCopy HTML In 2005, an unknown businessman bought a bottle of Dalmore 62 Single Highland Malt Scotch Whisky, one of only 12 ever made in 1943, for £32,000 and marched up to a hotel room with some friends and drank it. |
Rockymz | Share to: #173 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:05/07/2022 9:09 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #174 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:03/07/2022 10:43 AMCopy HTML It is illegal to not flush the toilet in Singapore. For failing to flush, you will be fined $150, and police officers have been known to check. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #175 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:01/07/2022 7:44 AMCopy HTML During WWII a fully grown reindeer lived on a British submarine, ate a navigation chart and got so fat that it couldn’t get back out. |
Rockymz | Share to: #176 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:30/06/2022 8:25 AMCopy HTML A single US stealth bomber can carry 16 B83 nuclear bombs. Each of those bombs can produce 75 times the yield of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. |
Rockymz | Share to: #177 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:28/06/2022 7:15 AMCopy HTML There are four bags of astronaut poop on the moon left behind from Neil Armstrong on his Apollo mission to the moon. |
Rockymz | Share to: #178 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:27/06/2022 7:36 AMCopy HTML Vladimir Lenin’s embalmed body is bathed and dressed in new clothes every year. His tomb is in the center of Moscow open to public, despite his death wish to be buried next to his wife |
Rockymz | Share to: #179 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:25/06/2022 9:42 AMCopy HTML In South Asia, widowed women were once routinely burned alive on their husbands’ funeral pyres. A British general outlawed it, saying “This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile, but my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them.” |
Rockymz | Share to: #180 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:24/06/2022 11:25 AMCopy HTML Medieval Pope Gregory IX considered cats to be the ‘incarnation of Satan.’ Leading to a mass killing of cats, causing the rat population to swell, thus quickening the spread of the Black Death |