Title: Strange Facts | |
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Rockymz | |
Date Posted:26/07/2017 7:28 PMCopy HTML Vermont women must get permission from their husbands before getting false teeth |
Rockymz | Share to: #121 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:15/10/2022 10:17 AMCopy HTML When the Beatles recorded “Hey Jude” Ringo was on the toilet and came back just in time to play the drums on the song. |
Rockymz | Share to: #122 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:14/10/2022 8:52 AMCopy HTML In 2013, an American Airlines flight from LA to NYC made an unscheduled stop in Kansas City to offload a passenger who wouldn’t stop singing “I Will Always Love You.” |
Rockymz | Share to: #123 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:13/10/2022 9:15 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #124 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:12/10/2022 7:51 AMCopy HTML There exists a Chinese delicacy called “Virgin Boy Eggs” that are eggs boiled in prepubertal schoolboys’ urine. |
Rockymz | Share to: #125 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:11/10/2022 9:16 AMCopy HTML The two African-American athletes who gave the Black Power salute at the 1968 Olympics were also shoeless during the protest. This was to represent black poverty. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #126 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:09/10/2022 8:13 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #127 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:07/10/2022 7:53 AMCopy HTML Due to its aquatic habitat and behavior, the Catholic Church officially categorized the Beaver as a type of fish, making it acceptable to eat on Good Friday and throughout Lent. This ruling was later extended to the Capybara and muskrat as well. |
Rockymz | Share to: #128 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:06/10/2022 8:36 AMCopy HTML The Latin phrase libra pondo was used in Ancient Rome to indicate weight, which is why today the abbreviation for “pound” is “lb.” |
Rockymz | Share to: #129 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:05/10/2022 8:41 AMCopy HTML Frozen lobsters can come back to life when thawed. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #130 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:04/10/2022 8:47 AMCopy HTML Leonardo da Vinci may have written backward not for secrecy, but because he is left-handed and it was easier for him to do. |
Rockymz | Share to: #131 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:03/10/2022 8:27 AMCopy HTML The World Bank stopped tracking inflation in Zimbabwe in November 2008, when it reached 79.6 billion percent. One year later, the country abandoned its currency. The exchange rate at the time was $35 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars to $1 USD. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #132 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:01/10/2022 8:36 AMCopy HTML At around 5PM EST, greatest proportion of the world is asleep (55-60%) |
Rockymz | Share to: #133 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:30/09/2022 9:10 AMCopy HTML If someone commits suicide in Japan by jumping in front of a train, the company charges his family a disruption fee. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #134 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:28/09/2022 8:08 AMCopy HTML |
Rockymz | Share to: #135 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:26/09/2022 8:55 AMCopy HTML The biggest cashew tree in the world covers an area of about 80,000 square feet and produces over 60,000 fruits each year. The tree gets its size from two genetic issues, which allow branches to grow outwards instead of upwards, taking new roots when touching the ground. |
Rockymz | Share to: #136 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:25/09/2022 11:10 AMCopy HTML When a Long Island woman accidentally threw away an envelope with $5000 cash intended for her mortgage, sanitation workers sifted through tons of trash until they found it. They refused to accept a reward. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #137 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:24/09/2022 11:12 AMCopy HTML In 2007, Michael Jackson had plans to build a 50 foot tall moon walking robot, a replica of himself to roam the desert sands of Las Vegas. |
British_Bulldog | Share to: #138 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:20/09/2022 12:06 PMCopy HTML A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is. |
Rockymz | Share to: #139 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:20/09/2022 7:21 AMCopy HTML Peanut butter in a plastic jar at the supermarket usually has a sell-by date of about 18 months after it hits the shelf. Past this date, if it’s unopened it’s still perfectly good. Opened, peanut butter will slowly develop off-flavors of rancid nuts over the next five or so years. |
Rockymz | Share to: #140 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:19/09/2022 8:30 AMCopy HTML There is a bridge in Scotland where dogs are known to commit suicide. In the past fifty years, over fifty dogs have visited the bridge and leapt to their death. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #141 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:17/09/2022 9:06 AMCopy HTML Dinosaurs had giant fleas with beaks the size of modern syringe needles. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #142 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:15/09/2022 8:55 AMCopy HTML Ruts leftover from the wagon trains traveling the Oregon Trail are still visible today. |
Rockymz | Share to: #143 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:14/09/2022 9:15 AMCopy HTML There is a bar in Yukon, Canada where you can drink a Sourtoe Cocktail. It has a real severed human toe in it. |
Rockymz | Share to: #144 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:12/09/2022 9:06 AMCopy HTML There’s a mountain where each face flows to a different ocean (Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic). |
Rockymz | Share to: #145 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:06/09/2022 8:50 AMCopy HTML In Japan, death by overwork is so common that they have a word for it, “Karoshi”. Some examples of karoshi are: working 110 hours a week, working 3000 hours a year with no days off in 15 years, working 4320 hours a year, and working 34-hour shifts five times a month. |
Rockymz | Share to: #146 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:05/09/2022 8:57 AMCopy HTML Night Witches were the members of an all-female bomber regiment in WW2 Russia. These pilots would turn off their engines, glide and bomb German targets to avoid being heard on approach. They dropped 3,000 tons of bombs over German lines, and were so good at evading enemy planes that German pilots were promised the Iron Cross for shooting down a single Night Witch. |
Rockymz | Share to: #147 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:04/09/2022 9:03 AMCopy HTML The record for most passengers on an airplane was set in 1991 when 1086 Ethiopian Jews were evacuated on a Boeing 747 to Jerusalem. The plane landed with 1088 passengers as two babies were born during the flight. – |
Rockymz | Share to: #148 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:03/09/2022 9:18 AMCopy HTML The Super Bowl has required national anthem vocals to be pre-recorded since 1993 when Garth Brooks declined to pre-record and then refused to sing live until a dispute over debuting a music video during the game could be settled, resulting in a delayed kickoff. |
Rockymz | Share to: #149 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:02/09/2022 9:01 AMCopy HTML If you pour cold water into a person’s ear, their eyes will move in direction of the opposite ear, if you pour warm water into their ear, their eyes will move towards that same ear. This is used to test for brain damage and is called ‘caloric stimulation’. |
Rockymz | Share to: #150 |
Re:Strange Facts Date Posted:01/09/2022 9:03 AMCopy HTML Chef Eduardo Garcia received a bionic hand after losing his left arm when he prodded a bear cub laying on a concealed power cable. He says the accident helped his career as a chef. “I can grab things out of an oven and not get burnt. I don’t cut my fingers anymore.” |