Title: Puns | |
Grapevine50sRoost > ~GENERAL~ > GENERAL DISCUSSION | Go to subcategory: |
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zxxlyzq | |
Date Posted:09/03/2018 9:07 AMCopy HTML Some cooks have sizzling tempers and get easily steamed. Feel free to post your's. |
Rockymz | Share to: #1501 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:13/03/2018 9:44 AMCopy HTML I'd tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction. |
zxxlyzq | Share to: #1502 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:13/03/2018 8:04 AMCopy HTML Can Napoleon return to his place of birth? Of Corsican.
Rockymz | Share to: #1503 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:12/03/2018 9:53 AMCopy HTML A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realized that toucan play at that game. |
zxxlyzq | Share to: #1504 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:12/03/2018 7:54 AMCopy HTML The poet wrote an ode about a tractor. It was a classic case of man verses machine.
Rockymz | Share to: #1505 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:11/03/2018 4:53 PMCopy HTML
Have you ever tried to eat a clock? It's very time consuming.
zxxlyzq | Share to: #1506 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:11/03/2018 9:27 AMCopy HTML What do you call a pig in a rickshaw? Pulled pork.
claremorgan66 | Share to: #1507 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:11/03/2018 6:36 AMCopy HTML Q. What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? A. A hippo is really heavy, and a Zippo is a little lighter |
Rockymz | Share to: #1508 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:10/03/2018 4:51 PMCopy HTML Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now. |
zxxlyzq | Share to: #1509 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:10/03/2018 9:04 AMCopy HTML This is some pretty good tapioca. That's one way of pudding it.
Rockymz | Share to: #1510 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:10/03/2018 8:14 AMCopy HTML
I once got into so much debt that I couldn't even afford my electricity bills, they were the darkest times of my life.
claremorgan66 | Share to: #1511 |
Re:Puns Date Posted:10/03/2018 8:13 AMCopy HTML
Thanks for explaining the word "many" to me, it means a lot.