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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:171960
  • Posts:34392
  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:17/11/2008 11:44 PM

Date Posted:02/12/2017 12:52 PMCopy HTML

Hi everyone. I love doing Trivia quizzes and would love it if you could join me in the fun! You will need to register a user name and play daily and don't forget to click on Compare Your Scores after playing to register your score. Lets see who can make it into the Hall Of Fame with the most amount of wins per month. Good Luck!!


Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx
Netty10 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16981
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  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:25/05/2016 8:30 AM

Re:Carol's Daily Trivia

Date Posted:02/12/2017 3:56 PMCopy HTML

Top 50 Scores So Far Today
Top 50 scores at end of the day earn points.
1. Carol + 7 pts 10!30970
2. Claremorgan8quiz + 6 pts 10!46954
3. missy_king + 6 pts 10!58942
4. Llynfi + 5 pts 10!61939
5. ione101 + 5 pts 10!97903
6. Skwerl + 5 pts 10!131869
7. Penlee81 + 4 pts 955845
mis_caz Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16982
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:171960
  • Posts:34392
  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:17/11/2008 11:44 PM

Re:Carol's Daily Trivia

Date Posted:02/12/2017 12:53 PMCopy HTML

1. Carol+ 6 pts10!30970
2. Claremorgan8quiz+ 5 pts10!46954
3. missy_king+ 5 pts10!58942
4. Llynfi+ 5 pts10!61939
5. Skwerl+ 4 pts10!131869
6. Penlee81+ 4 pts955845
Enjoy everyday because life is too short not to xx
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